Daniela Sandoval - Reflection #2

Daniela Sandoval 

Being a Global Citizen Reflection Post #2

                Once we had finished our first presentation and reflection a large feeling of relief came to my brain. Initially, I had thought the project was going to be a lot more difficult, but the group had great communication, and everyone made sure to take care of their part of the project. When getting into our second project the operation was not as smooth running. The first thing we were able to agree on was what our topic was going to be. When it came to picking subtopics, the group did have a little bit of difficulty because the members of my group could not decide on which ones they wanted to do, and some did not want to do the ones assigned. On the days that we were supposed to meet to go over the project, some of the members of the group did not show up so we did not know where we were at. And although we have a group chat some members of the group would not respond or even bother to look at the chat. I can't exclude myself however in the group of not answering the chat, however I did have my part of the project done on time. I feel as though all of the pressure had landed on our group leader Emily. I'm not sure if the rest of the group felt this way but. I did feel very guilty and as if I hadn't done enough when she would constantly have to ask the members of the group to update their parts or finish whatever had to be done in order to send to Caio. I think that what’s affected our group was also the fact that we had more members this time and had different members as well so they dynamic that we already had going had changed. The group had a lot of difficulty in getting their parts of the project done but, in the end, everyone completed what they had to do even if it was at the very last moment. 

        When the professor announced that this would be out second project of the semester at first, I was very confused. After she went more in depth about what it meant to be a better global citizen, I actually became very excited about the topic especially the one we had chosen. This was a chance for us to better understand not only different cultures but also different beliefs, age groups, and people that are going through different situations in life. The project was honestly eye opening and brought a sense of warmth to my heart. I am glad that my group chose to do cultures seeing tht there are so many around the world. This broadened my knowledge of the different cuisines, traditional clothing and religions that are used throughout the world. 

        Group one's presentation had a very large impact on my way of thinking. There topic was on respect, respecting different beliefs, cultures, and values. I believe that this topic has to do a lot with today’s day and age. The lack of respect is what largely affects the reactions many people have because they are afraid of what is going on, so they feel that by being rude and discriminating it is going to ease what they feel. Instead, they can learn about those things that are different from there’s and if they still don't like what they are being show they can learn to not impose their beliefs on others and simply respect. Even if they don’t like it, they can do the bare minimum of respecting it and being polite. 

        Group two was my group, and our presentation was on culture as I had mentioned in the second paragraph. When we did our presentation it all actually went very smoothly. Each member did their part in showing up to the day of presentation and putting in their two cents. I was especially glad the class was engaged and the class that was visiting us was engaged as well. The professor from the other class also had a lot of wonderful feedback on our presentation. I hope that in the future this presentation could be shared with more people so they could learn in a fun and engaging way. I felt that out presentation is truly something that can be interpreted to different age groups. And although my group had some difficulties in the beginning everything turned out great the day of.

        Group three presentation was the final one of the nights. Although the class we invited was able to stay for the first two presentation they unfortunately had to return to their class to begin a quiz. Their presentation was on raising awareness and contribution to all communities. They gave us insight on the struggles that children and young adults have with juggling school, work, a social life and keeping up with their personal well-being. They also taught us more about our elderly population. They are the most vulnerable and the younger generations tends to not care for them as much. They also taught us about the importance of our mental health and that it is something that should not be taken lightly. The group went over an organization that was very close to home which is the Best Buddies organization. This organization supports those with special needs and mental disabilities. The group did a great job at organizing their information and all of the members presented amazingly. 

 Overall, I felt this project had a very good impact on our class as well as the class that paid us a visit. It was visible that the student took pride in the work that they had done and were happy to be participating and engaging with the class. Finally, all of the presentations had a very positive impact on my knowledge of the world and what is going on. It taught me awareness and a newfound sense of appreciation for those who are in different situation to mine and those who have different beliefs.


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