Deborah Timothee- Reflection

Hi, my name is Deborah Timothee and welcome to my reflection. These presentations where so long and boring. I feel like it should’ve been shorter groups. I feel like everyone was talking forever. My attention expend is very short. Throughout the whole presentations if you lost my attention, I was either watching TV, eating, walking around the house/room, cleaning, looking for snacks or looking at Cruises and other vacations. I was I will begin with my process then how I felt how my group did and finish with my opinion on the other two groups. So, I'm not going to lie I am a procrastinator, I waited to the last minute, but I feel like that's when I put my all into it. My process took about the whole week because I was overthinking how will set up my slides, what would I say, would my slides look organized or should I put pictures and wing it. I'm did my slides last minute but that didn't matter because I already know how I wanted to look and to be set up. My slides could’ve been done sooner but I’m lazy and over think things. I did it the day of, but I felt like I did good, and it wasn’t too much information on each slide. I made sure my slides weren’t overcrowded with words because that’s boring and too much. I know myself my mind remembers what it wants. I wanted to put pictures and wing it, but I didn't want to confuse myself with the picture and try to guess what topic it went with. So, I put pictures and a somewhat short definition. I feel like I had the best and easiest topics to talk about. The only problem I had, I was very nervous, and I was speaking very fast when I was presenting. I was trying not to show it, but it got to the best of me. I was trying to make it feel more like a conversation then me presenting but that didn’t work out. I was overthinking and was in my head too much. I guess I was trying to be perfect but hey no one isn’t perfect. I make sure to include a lot of examples, so everyone knew what I was talking about it. I felt like we should have not gotten the biggest chapter. We had more pages to read and more information to know and put into our slides. It was very unfair, but it is what it is at this point. We had gone over the time a little bit, but we had more information but it’s okay. I felt like my group did a good job we didn’t have to many words on each slide and didn’t have to many videos. Overall, I think we did wonderful and got a good grade. I give us a 7/10 and 7/10 for being interesting. I like my group, the people in there are chill. I like how no one really rushed each other because we know we are busy and have things going on. I’m glad the professor isn’t changing the groups because I would be upset to meet new people and get to know them. Group one presentation was very long and boring. They had way too many videos and I was confused. I understand if two through four people had videos, but I believe they all did or almost all of them. The video did all the teaching, and they were very long. They lost my attention when they video was over 2 minutes. I feel like they should do all the talking and had a short video to back up what they were saying or going into brief details. I’m not going to lie when they were talking, they were slow talkers. I not trying to say talk very fast but don’t talk very slow. I was so close of falling asleep because it was very boring. I was trying to stay awake, so I watch TV. Honestly, I pretty sure they took over 45 minutes and it was so long. I was trying so hard to pay attention, but I couldn’t anymore. It was so bad; my ADHD had kicked in and I couldn’t sit there and listen, so I was walking around the house. I give them a 3.5/10 for effort and they had something on their slides, a 0/10 for it being interesting. Group three presentation, they had too much information on their slides. It was giving research paper off a word document. They presentation was boring, but it was okay. At least I was paying more attention to it than group one. I felt bad for them because they had lease time. I felt like they had to rush their presentation, but kit wasn’t their fought. I also felt like it should’ve been only one person to show their whole presentation, but not the person had to switch, and it was wasting time. Overall, it wasn’t bad, it was pretty and organized. I give them a 6/10 for effort and they had something on their slides, a 5.5/10 for it being interesting. Overall, I think everyone did good and I know a lot of people was nervous and trying to make everything perfect. I just feel like 10+ people in a group are too much. I felt like the max should’ve been like 5 or 6 per group. I know I would probably pay attention more. I also felt like people were talking more than 5 minutes. I didn’t really learn much from them, and their videos should have not been teaching the class either. I like how the professor was telling everyone what’s she likes about their presentation. I felt like that had made me feel way better, gave me a relief off my shoulder. I’m happy at the way I presented and everything that happen. I deserved my grade and love it, hopefully everyone can say the same. I can’t wait to present next time; I have more confidence. Thank you for reading. These are my opinion and how I feel, don’t take it to the heart. X.O.X.O


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