Jarumis Jimenez- reflection


Jarumis Jimenez


My first experience with the first presentation and working as a team was fun and wonderful. At First, I was confused with what I had to do because my experience working as a team or a large group had been bad. There were some of my classmates that were nervous and didn’t know what to do like me. But since our group leader started explaining what to do and putting everything in a way that all of us can understand. She started giving us advice on what to do and how we should do this or that, just simply giving out ideas in another words. Our group leader wanted that each of us got along with each other and so we can work better as whole. From what I seem my group was very organized, and I like the way each thing was done.

One thing that was getting us really confused was that the chapter that we had to do had a lot of pages. We didn’t know what to do because from what me and my group saw was that the other groups had less work to do. We started thinking what to do and we decide to split the chapter equally so it wouldn’t be that long. For me it was a great experience because I got to learn more as a group and sharing different ideas that we all had to see which one is more convenient for the group. For me it was a little hard at first even though because I don’t speak English perfect, but I was trying my all to be up today with everything with my group.

When it was time for me to do my part of the chapter was splitter with some else. We decided to go 50/50 with the chapter, that person got the first half, and I got the rest. For my part what I did first was I read the whole chapter and the part that was assign to me to see on what I should talk about. As soon I found what I wanted to present on. I started brainstorming on how it should be and if I do research what I can find online. After I finish reading the chapter, I found some subject that I thought were intersected to me.            

I started doing my research on the topic that I got, I went on YouTube found some important information, so I wrote it done for notes. I continue looking for more information online and asking some of the people that I know if they could also help me out. When it was time for me to start writing down my part on the presentation, I seen that group was almost done and only a few was missing. I myself was one of those that need to put everything because I didn’t want to let everyone down. So, I started putting that I found together and changing everything around as I added more stuff. After I did my part, I had gone back and change my slides because I had remembered that our professor wanted more pictures and graphs than words.

Before I made my final draft on what I was going to see because our group leader wanted us to speak for a few minutes. For me I was afraid because it hard for me sometime to keep and long conversation or talk a lot. I decided to wait until the end, I wanted to see how the other group where doing it and I would get some ideas. Both other groups did a great job explaining their chapters as well as my group. The other groups were organized but I felt that each of them had something missing. it felt as if some of the group member left everything for last minute and rush with their part.

Leaving anything for last minute is the worse thing you can do when working as a group or a team. Even when you are working along is a bad thing. For me I feel like thing should never be left to do a few hours or minutes before its do. I saw that some of the groups had member as if they did their part super-fast just to get do and not worry about it. That’s not a way to do thing when working in group because then it makes your group or team look bad in everyone else eyes. Some people might care about it but other do care and it make them feels as if they did their part wrong to. For them it will fell like if all the hard work they put into the work was just for nothing.

When it was time for my group to present, I got super nervous, like I was freaking out. I started rehearsing my part so when it was my turn, I would be saying all the words properly and everyone could understand me perfectly. I read over my part like 4-6 time, I read It fast and slow to see which one I will be confutable for me. When it was my turn to present, I was making sure to read slowly and was trying my best to say all the words without messing up. After I present, I felt as I could have had done better and written more talk about.

At the end of each presentation our professor gave her opinion base on what we did our research on. So far with just one presentation and working as a group I already learn a few things bases on speaking to the public. Our professor seem well knowledge on what she is teaching, and I like that because it makes me want to learn more which I hope later with this class. For me everyone is learning new things in class from learning on how to work better as a group to how to speak better in group of an audience. By the time this class is over everyone will be will have more knowledge and be less afraid this goes for me too and how to speak better in public or in front of a group.


  1. Excellent reflection. I know everyone will feel better as the semester progresses. Great job!


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