Karla Sanchez

My First Public Speech

It was exciting for me to take this class because public speaking is a weakness for me, but I wanted to transform it into one of my strengths. I was ready to learn the processes, the tricks and tips that this class will teach me. As our first assignment the professor split the chapters of our book (I speak 3rd edition) and made 3 groups of students. Then we were supposed to teach our classmates about each chapter with the knowledge we had gained. I was intrigued; how can we do that as a students? But the challenge really engaged me. Our group was number 2, and we covered the chapters 5 to 9.
 Its always a challenge to work with more people, but we connect with each other and became a great team. I was chosen to work in chapter number 6. The experience was amazing, and all of our presentations went perfect!!!

I was the person that started the presentation of chapter 6 and this clearly showed me they have confidence in me. But I was also very nervous. The first step I made was to read all the chapter and get familiarized with it. After I carefully read my part, I selected the most important ideas and made a little sketch of what I was going to talk about, concepts, parts of organizations, outlining principles and outlines forms. I made an introduction, body and conclusion of my project. I studied my part during the weekend and investigated about the topic and its characteristics. This was very important to me because I wanted to have everything covered. I wasn’t going to leave everything for the last moment. We worked together in google slides and every person in the group collaborated together to make it in sync and perfect for each speech. Our group met on Sunday where we discussed all the chapters together and spoke about our thoughts. Also, we shared feedback about the work that we had done, and we took recommendations from our classmates. We explained our part of the speech and organized the sequence of the presentation.

The big day arrived and before class we met again to double check our ideas and the whole project. This was an amazing group to work with. The first speech for group 1 was very interesting. We learned how to prepare a public speaking presentation, the purpose of the speeches, and the personal benefits of public speaking. This was very helpful to learn because in this class we are going to increase our knowledge and ability to relay of information, improve our critical thinking and train our brain to think more clearly and in a structured way. They also show tips for internet search and how to become a better listener. They incorporated videos to keep the audience focused and engage with the topic. I really enjoined it and learned a lot from it. 

Then it was our turn to present! I was a little nervous, even though I had the knowledge of the subject, I was going to present in front of my classmates and professor Sinkoff, and she would be expecting the best from me and my team. As all the members of the group started to present, little by little felt more relaxed and comfortable. In chapter number 5 presented by Emily and Daniela we learned how to research and prepared a presentation, evaluate your sources and analyzed the difference between MLA and APA parenthetical citations. This was very useful and necessary to learn because we are going to use it in almost all classes in college. When my turn arrived, I developed my speech in a good way, I still want and plan to improv my verbal communication in front of my peers. I tried to be energetic and avoid filler words that will drag my speech on and draw less interest from my audience. I kept eye contact with the camera, with the professor and all the classmates. I think that everything went perfect. After I was done, I felt relaxed and confident about my speech. Then my other partners started to talk about their topic and I continued to pay attention even though I wanted to go relieve the stress from my nerves. It was amazing how they explained what holds a presentation together and how to introduce and conclude your speech. Chapter number 7, 8 and 9 did a fascinating presentation where they talked about delivering speeches, how to choose your words and the visual resources to use in your assignments. All my partners did a great job, and I was so happy.

The turn for group 3 arrived and they started explaining the guiding principles for an informative presentation its purpose. I think this is very important because you want your audience to learn from your presentations and apply that information. I also learned that defining the meaning of any complex word that you use will help the audience to comprehend that information and will be very helpful to them and to you. The group also described the ethical principles of informative speaking as this can help you to promote growth. I think that group number 3 did a concise speech and they focused very good in the topic.

In conclusion my first presentation was an incredible experience that teached me how to work in groups, learn from each other and be helpful. Analyzing the success of my first public speaking experience and working in groups I realized that it was very captivating and motived me to understand deeply the subject of the presentation. I also learned how to control my nerves in a manner that I can succeed even when I’m nervous. Even though I was afraid at the beginning I managed to develop a good speech and then keep myself focused on my partner’s and classmate’s presentations and not letting my nerves distract me from the process of learning.  Working together has been the best experience I have ever had. I am ready to keep working with this amazing team in the future and I hope they feel the same way.






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