Lisdany Alfonso - Reflection

 My Reflection on SPC 2608 Class Presentations

Group 1:

Group 1 was the first group to present. They worked on Chapters 1-4 which were shorter chapters, so it only took about 45 minutes for them to present. I could tell that they struggled a bit to make their presentation hit the 45-minute requirement, so they inputted videos in their slides to make up the time they needed to make sure their presentation was not too short. Regarding the aesthetic of the PowerPoint, it did follow a theme, but it looked like each presenter kind of did their own thing with their slide. I can tell they tried keeping the color palette similar to each other but the layout each presenter used was very different from the previous. They could have worked together on making sure everyone's slides looked cohesive with each other and although they don't have to look identical, they should all look similar because it should look like it is one PowerPoint. Chapters 1, 2 & 3 had pretty slides and looked minimalistic. It did not have too much information piled into one slide which I cannot say the same for chapter 4. The slides had too much information, especially the last slide. It is ok to put information in a slide but when the information starts to look like a huge paragraph where the words are really small and difficult to read, it becomes a problem because this makes it difficult for the audience to understand what they are listening to. Also, this word-packed slide may overwhelm the audience and cause them to lose interest in the presentation. The way a PowerPoint looks is very important to capture your audience's attention. I did like the presentation overall, and the presenters were good speakers. They used a clear tone and were confident in their speech. This helped me be interested because I could clearly understand what they were saying. 

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Group 2 (My Group):

Group 2 was my group and we presented second. The process of making the presentation was a bit difficult because of the amount of people in my group. It was difficult to find a time where 11 people could meet together because we all have work, or we are busy. We did chapters 5-9 which were pretty long. We decided to split up the chapters we were presenting into 2 people per chapter and 3 people in the longest chapter. Chapter 6 was the longest, so we assigned 3 people to that chapter. We decided who would do the beginning or end of each chapter, and we worked independently on our parts. We were able to set up a date and time where most of us could join, so we decided on Sunday at 2:00 PM. The point of meeting up was to discuss the technicalities of how we would present and if we had anything to discuss about the PowerPoint. I already had done all my slides the night before, so I didn't have anything to add. Some students still weren't done with their slides or couldn't meet up at all, so we decided to meet up on Monday at 5:00 PM to make sure everything was good and working. We ended up running into an obstacle, we wanted to create a Kahoot to engage our Audience and we even came up with the questions we were going to use. The issue was that no one had set it up and class was going to start soon. Thankfully, one of our group members volunteered to set it up at the last minute and after some technical issues, we managed to figure it out. Class finally began and everyone started presenting. While I was watching group 1 present, I started getting nervous not only about presenting but whether our PowerPoint had enough content. My group noticed they had a lot of videos and we only had one. Our group leader decided to find a quick 3-minute video about her slide/topic to include in her presentation. We felt a little bit more relieved, but we were still worried about one thing: time. We wanted to make sure we made it past the 45 minutes we were given but these worries were in vain because our total time was more than an hour. We realized it was most likely because our chapters were very long anyways. Also, we took too long and didn't even have time to do the Kahoot which did make me feel a bit bummed because we tried so hard to make it work. Overall, I believe me, and my group did a great job presenting. Our slides were all cohesive and we were organized and spoke confidently about our information.

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Group 3:

Group 3 was the final group to present. I believe this group was put in a disadvantage by being the last group. They must have felt tired and making their audience engaged was going to be hard since everyone else had already presented and went into sleep mode. Nevertheless, I believe they did a great job keeping everyone awake. Their presentation was very visually pleasing and kept me interested. I could tell they worked together when they made the powerpoint because every slide is cohesive to each other. The information was also well placed and the videos they included were entertaining to watch. The presenters also did a good job speaking, they were concise and clear which made them easy to understand. I enjoyed listening and watching their powerpoint.

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Throughout this project, I learned many things. I learned about teamwork and time management. This was also a great learning method as well. Instead of having to read the whole book, we split up the chapters and learned our chosen chapter. Then, we taught each other about each chapter we learned about. This made it easier to learn about public speaking and gave us hands-on experience on what it's like to present the same things we all read about. I enjoyed this project and recommend many others to use this style of learning by teaching others what you have learned. By listening to the presentations, everything in the book was summarized and made it more fun to learn about. One thing that I would recommend for myself in future projects is to be more personal/engaging with my audience.

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Snoopy - Public Speaking Animation Video

Written by Lisdany Alfonso
Total words: 1,046


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