Jessica Joseph -Reflection

😁In our class SPC2608, we got put into groups of three where we divided the chapters for each group. One group had 1-4, the second group had 5-9 and the last group had 10 to the appendix. Each group had to do a presentation on the chapters they got. The is a speech class where speaking in public will be easy for us. I got super excited about this project because not only it’s something new to learn, it’s also that I get to practice speaking in public. Personality, I find it easy every time I get a chance to talk in public. 


So, group one presented first, their presentation was very informative. Their chapter was about preparing a presentation. There was a lot of information in every slide, but I like the way they structure their slides. I’ve learned a lot about how to get started making your presentation. One thing that made me realize is that we use public speaking a lot when it comes with debate, or discussing polities, careers, and basically what happens in everyday life.  I got some tips about getting over your fears about standing in front of a crowed and talking without getting nervous. The group explained that there should always be a message to what your presenting, the presenter of course, and audience. With the audience, I didn’t know that audience is what is important because there will be feedback on the message you are presenting. After listening to group one, I’ve learning that the communicate comes with freedom of speech, but communicating can be plagiarism a lot, which is why I always proofread and use my own words and do a work citied slide on where you got the information from. Overall, I think they did a great job with their project. I give them props with the very informative slides.


I found this very helpful when group mention about preparing a presentation, organizing the presentation, arranging how it you want it with an introduction, body, and conclusion. I’ve learned that styling the presentation will get audience engaged and interested on what the message is about, I wish I knew that before. This caught my eyes, is that they talked about how the presentation should have a purpose. I’ve experience so many presentations where there’s no purpose to what they are talking about. I’ve learned that, when I prepare for a presentation, you can put your own beliefs on the topic you’re speaking about. They taught me that to analysis your audience. In chapter 5, my group gave information about doing your research knowing what you will talk about. Like I did my research on my part of the section of the chapter. 


The sections I was doing I felt there was a lot that I didn’t know, always outline and organizing. It’s important to do this, so the presentation won’t be a mess and with everything organized and structure I’ll be able to know what to talk about in an orderly matter. What I spoke about is that finding out the main points and just presentation that into your presentation and then having to speak about the main points. I realize I’ve been doing it wrong for years when presenting that keep the main points to a minimum, it makes everything more unclutter and a lot professional. By organizing I would follow the steps they provided in the textbook, which is time sequence pattern, spatial relations pattern, cause- effect pattern, tropical sequence pattern and finally problem solution pattern, Monroe’s motivated sequence. My fellow group member had mention about supporting the details from the presentation, I’ve thought this could’ve been emphasized enough. It’s very important to have supporting details, cause then your audience will understand more of what you were speaking about.


My group also mention about how to deliver speeches, there different modes when it comes to doing speeches, I found it interesting that there different kinds of modes, memorized, manuscript, extemporaneous, impromptu. I had no idea there’s different ways to deliver speeches. I’m definitely going to be using these modes for future used. I can’t wait to give my next presentation more of a professional taste to it. One thing I loved is about the question-and-answer part of what my group had mention about. I love when my audience ask a question or curious on the topic I’m presenting. My fellow group member explained this wonderful. The feedback of an audience is what I want, to see if I succussed on doing my job as a presenter getting my message across. Another reason on why I love getting question because some of the audience go really in dept of what they learn. I’ve learned also that to use your voice, get attention. I think we did a great job overall with the project. As a team we came together and work together to make this presentation great. 


The last group also had a lot of great information, they talked about how language can be useful in a presentation. The words I would use would likely be powerful when I present, they mention about having a descriptive language when speaking which I barely used that sometimes when presentation. I now know to work on improving my language to get a good impression. Another thing I’m definitely going to do more often is have more of visual work to the presentation and also with my speeches. Adding pictures and graph are always a better visual picture about the topics. Another thing I didn’t know about that the last group had mention was persuasive messages about the presentation. I love having my audience believe what I believe. It comes back to knowing that your job as a presenter and speaker is being successful. The last thing I want to say about this group on what they mention was doing special speeches. The information they I heard was really helpful for me because I’m not really good with special speeches. 


The whole class did really great on all their presentation, the best way was working in group. I think we have a very hard working class. I'm proud of everyone in the class. 😁


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