Emily Fernandez Post 2

 Reflection on Second Presentation


I am not going to lie, this presentation was a little more, what is the word...frustrating if you want to say that than the first presentation. I am the "leader" of group two and let me tell you, I really felt as if I was leading. I am not sure if it was because there were so many people absent from class on some days, but everything just felt so unorganized. Since everything was so unorganized, I felt the need to fix everything and quite frankly it felt like it was only me and a few other people that were part of my group that actually cared about the overall project.
During class, my group and I had decided that the best way to include culture all around the world was to separate the work into continents, so that was decided and we went straight to the group chat on WhatsApp to explain what we had planned to do so that the people that were absent could be aware. Most people who did not have time to attend class did respond in the group chat and we were able to have them either do one or two continents on either food, religion or clothing. Now there were some people who did nor care to look back into the chat and that created some problems and confusions, especially towards the day that we had to send in the presentation. The day that the presentation was due to send it to Caio, I reminded my group that I needed everything by 11:40PM so that I could send it to Caio on time. I am not sure if some people didn't remember or simply were not listening when this was announced during class, but some people were shocked to find out the presentation was due three days before class. What made this worse was that many of these people had not completed their slides and because of that, I could not view the "completed" presentation to make sure everything was good. When everyone gave me the "Ok" that everything was ready to go, I was quite surprised that we were missing two continents for clothing and was trying to quickly figure out who was in charge of doing those slides. The people who were doing those slides had not partaken in the long discussion we had during class or on our chat and because of this, they were not aware that some people had to do two continents depending on how big each continent is. This became a problem when I informed those who were in charge of those slides because someone started complaining about doing two continents when many others in our group had to do two as well. I personally messaged that person and they thought I was "coming for them". This made me extremely upset because the last thing I wanted to do at 12:00PM was argue with a grown adult about some slides. Although at that point I was extremely frustrated with absolutely everything, I still wanted to make sure that the group got a good grade so therefore explained that if I came off the wrong way that it was not my intention. The next day all the slides were completed and I could finally send them to Caio, but wow it really felt like all the weight was on my shoulders to figure everything out when there are 11 people in our group.


Group 1

After all the stress and frustrations I had been experiencing a few days prior trying to make sure everything was in order, the day finally came. Me and two other groups were going to present our presentations on how to be a better world citizen. I think the first group did a really amazing job when it came to not only respecting people, but their cultures as well. It can sometimes be difficult for us to understand different cultures that we are not exposed to, but just because we do not understand it does not mean that we should not respect it either. Group 1 explained how if you do not necessarily know a different culture then you can always try immersing yourself in that culture. You never know, you may not find it so different or weird as you once thought.

Group 2

Group two was my group and I really wanted everything to go well, especially after making sure that everything was properly organized. In our presentation, we spoke about the different kinds of food, religion and clothing that you can find all over the world. I was really happy with how everything turned out and I thought that our presentation was both cohesive and informative at the same time. The only problem that me and many others in the class seemed to run into was the fact that seeing all the pictures of the delicious food eaten all over the world was making us very hungry. 

Group 3

Unfortunately, our guests had to leave before group three could present their presentation. Although the guests had left, their presentation was still very well researched and provided us with unknown information. Although group three was the last group to go, They still kept up their energy levels and provided us with an exceptional presentation.


Although there were many moments throughout this process that I felt like pulling at my hair, I feel nothing but happiness and relief knowing that we not only created a good presentation but also got a good grade. Ultimately, these presentations showed me to not judge people, their culture or anything else just because I see something a bit differently than others do.


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