Refection #2

 How to be a Better World Citizen?

    "How to be a Better Citizen?" was the theme of our second presentation. As in the first, the teacher divided us into groups, and our group agreed to choose the topic of culture. Each member chose a continent and explained its culture, for example, what are the typical foods, the religions that are practiced, and the typical clothing of various countries that belong to the continent. Emily is the captain of our team, she created the slides for the presentation, each one with the topic it had to address, and then when she includes the rest of the group, each one works on the slide that is assigned to them, normally we can do more than one but since time is short, most of them use one with little information so as not to fill the slide and make it easier for the audience.

    I was in charge of talking about typical European food, I did many searches because Europe is a continent that stands out for its delicious food. I knew many foods, however, I did not know their history, so I investigated when they were created, the waffles had a great impact on me, it caught my attention that their recipe is anonymous and is written in a manuscript.

    Group one talked about respect and moral values, teaching us that we must respect others even if their gender, race, or religion is different from ours. Respect is a very important component in our society not only to relate and communicate effectively but also to build lasting relationships and achieve success in life. This group did a great job showing us the importance of respect.

    In group number 2 we cover the topic of culture around the world. I started talking about food on the European continent, where I talked about the history of the most influential foods on this continent, such as pizza, which is the second most famous food in the world, I also talked about others that are famous in Greece, Belgium, Switzerland, and Spain. Emily talked about food on the Asian continent which included the most famous dishes from Japan, China, and Korea, among others. Jarumis talked about the best dishes from Africa and Australia and Carla finished with the best dishes from the North and South American continent. Lindsay, Mario, Melanie, and Dani will talk about the religions for which these continents stand out, such as Hinduism in Asia, which is the oldest religion in the world, Christianity in Europe, and Catholicism in North America, among others. Finally, Jessica, Deborah, and Eugenio talked about the traditional clothing of each continent. I really liked how my team developed and how we were able to increase our knowledge with this great project.

    The third group covered a very important and delicate topic in our lives as students. As students, many of us suffer from stress and it often leads us to depression due to the weight of carrying school homework, work, and problems at home. Sometimes we can feel stuck, confused, and alone. Group three helped us to understand that it is always good to have someone to help and support us and the need for these people in our lives. I think that group three did a great job to raise awareness of the situations that we face every day and, as always, we must contribute to help others.

    This presentation was very interesting and I found it perfect since I was unaware of many cultures in the world, it was important for our knowledge and development on the subject. I think we all did a great job and helped each other. It helped me to know a little more about the world from my computer and that we all deserve to be respected and respect others even if we all have different beliefs.


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