Reflection #2 How to be a better world citizen. Karla Sanchez


How to be a better world citizen blog.


      For our second presentation the professor and the leader of the class chose the topic of how to be a better world citizen, having this statement for the second project was very interesting for me. We would also have guests from another class that were going to see our presentation. We had to choose a subtopic and our group opted for culture. I can’t imagine a better way to teach others about being a good world citizen than with this subtopic. The idea of being a better world citizen can challenge for some people since today’s society puts a big emphasis on individualism, but it is still very important to become a beneficial individual to our planet. I was confident about this topic, and sure that with this lesson we will gain experience and learn a lot about our world. Our group was exited and ready to start the research. We decided that the best method to educate about culture would be covering the food traditions, customs and religion of each continent of the world.

       I started working on my part (food traditions) in the continents North America and South America. We decided to use google slides, where every partner can work on the presentation simultaneously. Using this app was a great advantage. Emily was in charge of setting up the application and giving up us access, she is very tech savvy. We also coordinated our project through a WhatsApp group and shared our ideas. The professor assigned a due date and giving us two weeks to work. With the pressure of having guests in the class, were trying to do our best effort to make everything entertaining and informative for the audience. The expected day arrived and while everyone was entering the classroom I started getting nervous. The professor and students from the other class were very nice and attentive.

      The first group started presenting their topic, teaching us about respect and moral values, a crucial factor for the growth of our society. I learned that respecting the ideologies and upbringing of others, allows us to free ourselves from egocentrism, we also learned respectful communication skills, like practicing politeness, courtesy, kindness and the most important for me, avoiding negativity. We understood how important it is to respect others, no matter the race, sexuality or their past, we had to set up a commitment with our people. I really enjoy their project and the way they explained everything was clear and concise, opening our eyes and mind to a whole world.

   The second group, our group, started the presentation, Leslie talked about the amazing culinary culture in Europe and their most particular plates, whetting our appetite. Emily present about Asian food, the greatest dishes from the other side of the world, including Japan, India, Thailand, Korea and others countries and Jarumis talked about Africa and the fascinating Australia. Finally, it was my turn to present. Even thought I was very nervous, I managed to explain my topic in a clear and organized way. I tried to find effective ways to engage with the audience and explain to them the importance of being a better food citizen. Not only eating other nationalities food, but having “local first” mentality, the importance of buying from farmers and sharing your food traditions with others. Practices that I tried to implement in my daily life since I have the benefit of living near homestead a very popular area for farmers here in Miami. I enjoyed my time presenting this topic. I’m truly a food lover!! After me, my classmates talked about the world’s main religions and the diversity in some regions. I learn about Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, Christianity and many others. It is essential to respect the freedom and diversity of the many religions in our planet, being this a universal human right. Then the last part was presented, the clothing culture around the world. Using cloth not only for protection but for showing your traditions was the main point of the presenters. It was incredible how many color sizes and patterns we have in our world. Reflecting the personality and culture of every country, for me the best way to conclude our presentation. I think that everybody liked it. Sadly the guest group had to leave, but I think they left with more knowledge and understanding the importance of being a better world citizen.

      The presentation of the third group took place and they started showing us how to spread awareness and how to help our communities. For me this is very interesting topic where we all can contribute to. They explained how hard is for the students to work for good grades, while preparing for tests, and quizzes while dealing with the stresses of life. This topic touched my heart because I can relate so much to this, having a full time job I have to deal with the stress of managing my time for school, work and the housework. Sometimes we don’t have a hand that can help, and I think that it is important to be aware of certain situations on students lives another problems that can lead to depression. They shared ways of contributing, organizing supporting groups and creating stress free out-door breaks with physical activities. Also we learned about elderly citizens and what are the biggest challenges for them. Some people might think that with all their experience, elderly people don’t suffer from depression but the statistics indicates that one in four adults experience mental health issues in United States. This is a very alarming statistics and should alarm the families about this very important situation. Samantha concluded the presentation in a very entertaining way with questions about what we learned, and I really liked it.

 In conclusion this second presentation was an amazing experience. Having the pleasure to work again with my group and classmates, practicing speech and manners was incredible but what captivated me the most was the amount of knowledge that I gained during the whole process. Learning about our world opened my eyes, because my reality and daily life is not the same as other people of different ages, countries, communities and groups. I’m convinced that respecting, learning and being aware of all our differences will give us the right path to be a better world citizen. You can be that person that can make a difference in someone else life, helping or simply showing respect to them. The future of this world is in our hands, is our responsibility to be not only good for ourselves but for all of us.  😊




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