
Showing posts from November, 2022

Emily Fernandez Post 2

 Reflection on Second Presentation Frustrations I am not going to lie, this presentation was a little more, what is the word...frustrating if you want to say that than the first presentation. I am the "leader" of group two and let me tell you, I really felt as if I was leading. I am not sure if it was because there were so many people absent from class on some days, but everything just felt so unorganized. Since everything was so unorganized, I felt the need to fix everything and quite frankly it felt like it was only me and a few other people that were part of my group that actually cared about the overall project. During class, my group and I had decided that the best way to include culture all around the world was to separate the work into continents, so that was decided and we went straight to the group chat on WhatsApp to explain what we had planned to do so that the people that were absent could be aware. Most people who did not have time to attend class did respond in

Reflection #2 Melanie Jimenez

  How to be a Better World Citizen Presentations By Melanie Jimenez      After we successfully completed our first presentation as a class. Our professor decided that it would be an incredible idea to do a special collaborative project. Therefore, we all brainstormed as a class and came up with the idea to do an open presentation where other students can attend on how to be a better world citizen. Which in my opinion was a wonderful topic since it is a topic that is important and relatable to people of all ages, sexes, beliefs, and ethnic backgrounds. Especially since we are living in such a diverse world where we should all respect and admire each other’s differences and uniqueness. Therefore, Professor Sinkoff broke off the entire class into three groups. Each group would teach a different perspective on how to be a better world citizen. The three subtopics were Respect, Culture, and Contribution/ Spreading Awareness.      I was part of group two which spoke on how being knowledgea

Refection #2

  How to be a Better World Citizen?     " How to be a Better Citizen ?" was the theme of our second presentation. As in the first, the teacher divided us into groups, and our group agreed to choose the topic of culture. Each member chose a continent and explained its culture, for example, what are the typical foods, the religions that are practiced, and the typical clothing of various countries that belong to the continent.  Emily is the captain of our team, she created the slides for the presentation, each one with the topic it had to address, and then when she includes the rest of the group, each one works on the slide that is assigned to them, normally we can do more than one but since time is short, most of them use one with little information so as not to fill the slide and make it easier for the audience.      I was in charge of talking about typical European food, I did many searches because Europe is a continent that stands out for its delicious food. I knew many food

Reflection #2 Lisdany Alfonso (Better Citizen)

 My Second Reflection on SPC 2608 Class Presentations "How to be a Better World Citizen?"           For our next presentation, the professor picked the theme of how to be a better world citizen for our second presentation. We also invited students from another class to come witness our presentations. When it came time to select a topic, our group decided on culture. This topic is the best approach to teach people on how to be good global citizens. Because of the strong focus on individualism in today's culture, the notion of being a better global citizen might be difficult for some individuals. Nevertheless, it is crucial to change oneself so that you can benefit the world.      I researched about different religions in Asia. This was a little bit difficult to narrow down since Asia is the biggest continent in the world. With some research, I was able to find the top 3 most popular religions practiced in Asia. These religions were Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism. I put my i

Reflection #2 How to be a better world citizen. Karla Sanchez

  How to be a better world citizen blog.          For our second presentation the professor and the leader of the class chose the topic of how to be a better world citizen, having this statement for the second project was very interesting for me. We would also have guests from another class that were going to see our presentation. We had to choose a subtopic and our group opted for culture. I can’t imagine a better way to teach others about being a good world citizen than with this subtopic. The idea of being a better world citizen can challenge for some people since today’s society puts a big emphasis on individualism, but it is still very important to become a beneficial individual to our planet. I was confident about this topic, and sure that with this lesson we will gain experience and learn a lot about our world. Our group was exited and ready to start the research. We decided that the best method to educate about culture would be covering the food traditions, customs and reli