
Showing posts from October, 2022

Emily Fernandez Post 1

 Reflection on Class Presentations Emily Fernandez          My name is Emily and one thing about me is that I definitely do not consider myself to be a reserved person, nor a timid person who struggles when it comes to speaking with others. If I am being completely honest, I actually quite enjoy the whole aspect of speaking to someone and coming out of that conversation knowing something you had not known prior to having that conversation. It truly intrigues me, whether it was about that persons life or just some random fact that you had never heard about, you would be surprised by how much I have learned by simply walking up to people and having conversation.  Knowing this, I was quite excited to to not only present but to also learn something new from the other groups. At the same time, I was a bit nervous. What if I messed up, what if I slurred my words. Many things were going through my head, but ultimately I was proud and confident of what I had done and because of that i knew tha

Jessica Joseph -Reflection

😁In our class SPC2608, we got put into groups of three where we divided the chapters for each group. One group had 1-4, the second group had 5-9 and the last group had 10 to the appendix. Each group had to do a presentation on the chapters they got. The is a speech class where speaking in public will be easy for us. I got super excited about this project because not only it’s something new to learn, it’s also that I get to practice speaking in public. Personality, I find it easy every time I get a chance to talk in public.    So, group one presented first, their presentation was very informative. Their chapter was about preparing a presentation. There was a lot of information in every slide, but I like the way they structure their slides. I’ve learned a lot about how to get started making your presentation. One thing that made me realize is that we use public speaking a lot when it comes with debate, or discussing polities, careers, and basically what happens in everyday life.  I got

Deborah Timothee- Reflection

     Hi, my name is Deborah Timothee and welcome to my reflection. These presentations where so long and boring. I feel like it should’ve been shorter groups. I feel like everyone was talking forever. My attention expend is very short. Throughout the whole presentations if you lost my attention, I was either watching TV, eating, walking around the house/room, cleaning, looking for snacks or looking at Cruises and other vacations. I was I will begin with my process then how I felt how my group did and finish with my opinion on the other two groups. So, I'm not going to lie I am a procrastinator, I waited to the last minute, but I feel like that's when I put my all into it. My process took about the whole week because I was overthinking how will set up my slides, what would I say, would my slides look organized or should I put pictures and wing it. I'm did my slides last minute but that didn't matter because I already know how I wanted to look and to be set up. My slides

Melanie Jimenez- Reflection

  First Major Presentation in College    I decided to take SPC2608 because first it is mandatory for my major but also because I’ve always struggled with public speaking. Throughout all my years of academic schooling, presentations have been a nightmare for me. So, one can only imagine how I felt when the first day of this class I was told that two weeks from that day our first big presentation was due. I was petrified to say the least, but I was determined to feel confident and prepared for this assignment. This presentation was also very different from any other one that I have done before because I had to teach the rest of my peers the content of a specific part of our class textbook. Professor Sinkoff divided our class into three group and split the textbook into three sections like that each group presented one part. Therefore, I was in group 2 which meant that we presented part 2, chapters 5-9. Once I was informed that this was going to be a group project, I was also a bit nervou

Jarumis Jimenez- reflection

  Jarumis Jimenez   My first experience with the first presentation and working as a team was fun and wonderful. At First, I was confused with what I had to do because my experience working as a team or a large group had been bad. There were some of my classmates that were nervous and didn’t know what to do like me. But since our group leader started explaining what to do and putting everything in a way that all of us can understand. She started giving us advice on what to do and how we should do this or that, just simply giving out ideas in another words. Our group leader wanted that each of us got along with each other and so we can work better as whole. From what I seem my group was very organized, and I like the way each thing was done. One thing that was getting us really confused was that the chapter that we had to do had a lot of pages. We didn’t know what to do because from what me and my group saw was that the other groups had less work to do. We started thinking what to

Daniela Sandoval - Refelction

  Reflection - SPC 2608 Class Presentations        Doing my first presentation since high school I felt somewhat nervous to be in front of a large crowd once again. Thankfully after getting more information on the project I realized that the ENC 1101 and ENC 1102 class that I took in dual enrollment had prepared me very well for this moment. Close to the end of the semester for ENC 1102 we had been assigned a research project on a global issue of our choice. The only catch is that we had to show various viewpoints on our topic and make sure that the sources were were using were reliable. My professor then, Lubna Khan gave us a brief lesson in how to research sources for our topics and know they were the right ones.      When it came to choosing which chapter I was going to be presenting I aimlessly chose chapter 5 from the chapters our group was assigned. As soon as I began to read into the chapter I realized that the topic was something familiar which gave me a boost of confidence in

Karla Sanchez

My First Public Speech It was exciting for me to take this class because public speaking is a weakness for me, but I wanted to transform it into one of my strengths. I was ready to learn the processes, the tricks and tips that this class will teach me. As our first assignment the professor split the chapters of our book (I speak 3 rd edition) and made 3 groups of students. Then we were supposed to teach our classmates about each chapter with the knowledge we had gained. I was intrigued; how can we do that as a students? But the challenge really engaged me. Our group was number 2, and we covered the chapters 5 to 9.  Its always a challenge to work with more people, but we connect with each other and became a great team. I was chosen to work in chapter number 6. The experience was amazing, and all of our presentations went perfect!!! I was the person that started the presentation of chapter 6 and this clearly showed me they have confidence in me. But I was also very nervous. The fir

Lisdany Alfonso - Reflection

 My Reflection on SPC 2608 Class Presentations Group 1: Group 1 was the first group to present. They worked on Chapters 1-4 which were shorter chapters, so it only took about 45 minutes for them to present. I could tell that they struggled a bit to make their presentation hit the 45-minute requirement, so they inputted videos in their slides to make up the time they needed to make sure their presentation was not too short. Regarding the aesthetic of the PowerPoint , it did follow a theme, but it looked like each presenter kind of did their own thing with their slide. I can tell they tried keeping the color palette similar to each other but the layout each presenter used was very different from the previous. They could have worked together on making sure everyone's slides looked cohesive with each other and although they don't have to look identical, they should all look similar because it should look like it is one PowerPoint . Chapters 1, 2 & 3 had pretty slides and l